cannabis concentrates

Over 120 different types of Terpenes, in varying amounts, have been identified in cannabis depending on the individual strain. The reason for the familiar odor and even the ‘taste’ (which can vary from plant to plant just like the scent), are the plant’s terpenes.  Terpenes are a group of organic compounds found in many plants and even some insects. Terpenes become Terpenoids when altered through a process of drying, curing, or chemical extraction.  Terpenes like 
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7/8/2014 This past 4th of July weekend reminds us all what it means to be American, have freedom, independence, free speech, and the right to the pursuit of happiness.  It is so powerful that we have the option to create our own bills/initiatives/measures/amendments, gather signatures, get them on the ballot, and make them real laws in our country.  We are reminded of all the prisoners and fallen soldiers of cannabis prohibition who have suffered, some 
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