Monthly Archives: October 2016

ARVIN, Calif. (KBAK/KBFX) — With people set to vote on Proposition 64 at the ballot box next month, the city of Arvin is taking steps to implement an ordinance, just in case the measure passes. Prop 64 legalizes the use of recreational marijuana for people 21 and older. It allows for the cultivation of six marijuana plants on private property and can be grown outdoors or indoors, depending on regulations by local governments. At a 
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Monterey >> With one successful medical marijuana dispensary and a manufacturing plant in Monterey County, along with the prospect of voter approval for recreational use of the drug come Nov. 8, five cities in the county will have either a cannabis business tax or commercial cannabis tax measure on the ballot in anticipation of new marijuana-based businesses taking root. It is a turnabout by many in the last year or two after Del Rey Oaks 
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