2 Day Cannabis Business Seminar Outline
Want To Start A Legal Cannabis Business?
* Cultivating | Processing | Packaging | Transporting | Dispensary*
If you would like to start a cannabis Cultivation, Distributions, Manufacturing, Extraction, Dispensary, Delivery Service, 420 College cannabis business courses are for you.
Learn from experts and cannabis industry professionals that help people start cannabis businesses everyday in California.
You will learn about your local laws, rules, restrictions and best possible business entities that are legally viable in your area. Our faculty attorney is on hand to discuss any legal question you may have regarding the formation of your new medical marijuana club, co-op farm, collective or dispensary!
Once business is aside – You will network with our network of professionals as well as other cannabis entrepreneurs such as yourself from the seminar. You’ll learn about how to make money in the California cannabis industry!
At 420 College – it all begins with helping YOU to understand what is proper, lawful and appropriate!
You get an intense day of advanced information about how to start and operate any type of cannabis business.
Find out how 420 College can help you in your business. Check out our Business Services.
(keep reading)
Our cannabis business seminar focus is on how and why you need to start up your marijuana business PROPERLY and LEGALLY, under the state and local programs in your area!
Cannabis Dispensaries, co-ops, collectives, clubs and delivery services are SHUT DOWN every day because the groups operating them are doing business contrary to law. Learn what they are doing wrong and how to avoid making those same mistakes.
420 College’s primary objective is to – first and foremost – provide the facts – period.
DAY 1 – Getting in business…Permits & licenses; We will cover:
- Creating a step-by-step business plan to start your cannabis business
- How to start a cannabis delivery, dispensary, grow operation, extraction lab, etc
- How to go about picking the best place to establish your business
- All necessary cannabis business permits, local and state
- How to deal with landlords
- Prepare for some of the obstacles you will face
- Which is most profitable business to be in
- Cannabis business tax information
- How much capital is required to start your desired cannabis business
- Pros and Cons of retail marijuana business, marijuana delivery business and grow operations.
- Advertising & branding strategies
- Much, much more
Most Importantly; All resources needed to start and operate*** all included…
DAY 2 – Business Compliance, Operations, Employees; We will cover:
Objective: Overview of cannabis business day-to-day operations. Learn the steps to take to insure you can be profitable in the California cannabis industry.
- Cannabis business compliance for all license types
- Using track & trace software
- Employees & employee procedures
- What other fields can you get into with cannabis
- How to make money and profitability
Cannabis College Events Give You a Chance to Reach Out and Meet Others like you who are just getting into the industry.
Don’t Know Anyone in the Community, Now?
You WILL After a 2 Day Event...Book Tickets