Start a cannabis (medical marijuana) delivery service and get confidential, complete attention from people who already are in the business!
You’ll have IMMEDIATE BUSINESS CONNECTIONS or simply make new ones with our experienced team which includes “old school” expertise in law, business operations, cultivation, transportation, security and consumption.
Are You Ready to Get Started In This Exploding Industry?
To start a marijuana delivery service you must choose a good name for your business. Try to stay away fro the obvious 420, cannabis, marijuana, pot, weed types of names. Even though that will attract allot of customers, you do not want to attract the wrong group of people. Advertising is very important, because if no one knows about your quality medicine, you won’t be able to make any sales. 420 College has a comprehensive detailed plan to start a marijuana delivery service for only $500. The consultation includes the paperwork needed to start a marijuana delivery service. Contact us today to get started. start a marijuana delivery service.