war on cannabis

You probably thought the War on Drugs had ended with cannabis legalization. It didn’t. As a socio-political tool to manage the accumulation of power, it is still alive and active. The identification of certain social groups with certain drugs has long been a way of legally controlling the political power of those ethnic and civic groups. Anti-opium laws were directed at the Chinese. Anti-marijuana laws in the Southwest were directed at Mexican laborers and immigrants. 
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Speculation is growing about the possibility that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will review by summer its “Schedule I” designation of marijuana as equal to heroin among the world’s most dangerous drugs. Very few Americans know of or understand the DEA’s drug-ranking process, and a review of cannabis’s history as a Schedule I drug shows that the label is highly controversial and dubious. Disgraced Attorney General John Mitchell of the Nixon administration placed marijuana 
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