Much corroboration is being undertaken to find derivatives which not only cure the pain, but also hope to cure the symptom itself. So far, there is no proof of this allegation but for now, marijuana in itself is still considered a part of the restricted substances in the Controlled Substances Act of the federal government Medical marijuana at the very least soothes the pain of their passing and somewhat relieves the misery of their existence.
As of now, there is no known cure for all the pain that these diseases give unto their victims. Prior to medical marijuana prop 215, countless people have suffered with expensive, experimental and ineffective medical solutions. The State of California has listened to the voice of the people and it’s time that the people gets amply rewarded. California’s medical marijuana prop 215 is the grandfather of all marijuana laws.
They also note that medical marijuana is a gateway drug which introduces people to harder substances such as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine. Passed in 1996 and ever since amended by Senate Bill 420 on 2004, many credit this for finally bringing acceptance and legitimacy to the healing capability of medicinal marijuana. Critics however, deride this as a ploy by drug barons who are intent on making a fortune out of the misery of others.
This includes diseases which have yet to find the holy grail of healing like: AIDS, Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. The medical documentation surrounding the benefits of medical marijuana has been extensive and reputable. Also known as the Compassionate Use Act, Proposition 215 spearheaded a drive by advocacy groups to make medicinal marijuana available to all the people who have lost all hope in the capability of modern medicine and pharmaceuticals to heal them. Studies have been conducted worldwide to bolster the advocacies’ point that medicinal marijuana has a place in modern civil society.
So go to 420 College seminars, we stand by what we do. 420 College.
You can always call or email 420 College staff, faculty or instructors if you want further assistance, we’ll do our best to answer your questions all for FREE!
You always have access to the online forum and the Alumni Online Campus where you can network with other 420 College grads.
At the end of your consultation
you’ll walk away with a medical marijuana delivery business
420 College
Delivery Service
Business Start-up
* FEE: $500 [See Our SKYPE Tele-Conference Offer , below- Save $200!]
Sessions are designed to help you start a medical marijuana delivery service, collective cultivation garden and grow your service business – We can scheduled these consultations for you – at anytime.
Any question is a good one – let’s get you started, with ALL the facts!
In the privacy of your own choosing …
We will openly discuss …
ALL the legal requirements and relevant paper work required to start and run a legal medical marijuana business in California.
We will cover how to operate your business legally and safely so that you NEVER run the risk of breaking the law and have the best chance at delivering quality medicinal materials, consistently, to your own co-op, collective, club or for your own delivery service patient members.
We’ll give you all the paper work needed to start RIGHT AWAY – as soon as you are ready* – in the 1-On-1 counseling session. You will have direct contact with 420 staff that will guide you through document completion and filing – so you get it right – the first time!
We can come to you no matter where you are in California.
Outside of Central California (Fresno, CA) please add a flat rate of $100, per day, to cover staff travel expenses.