can u still open a dispensary up in ca

Open a cannabis dispensary The question that everybody seems to be asking nowadays is how to open a cannabis dispensary. The answer to this question is very simple. First, you find a place where you want to setup your dispensary.  Second, hire a lawyer that knows how to get you the licenses and permits for running a dispensary in the city of your choice. You will get all the details you want to know about 
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How to Open a Weed Dispensary

Well, lets get one thing straight. “Dispensaries” are illegal in California, the only recognized entities are collectives and cooperatives. Read California Attorney General Guidelines on page 11. But for the sake of this article, we’ll use the work “dispensary to make things easier. Medical marijuana inside California may be legal since year 1996 and the year of 2010, a couple of laws in connection with utilization of medical cannabis have been passed. For that discussion, 
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