Yearly Archives: 2019

Cannabis delivery is a hot topic in California these days. The focus of discussion is  the Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) regulation 5416(d), which provides that a “delivery employee may deliver to any jurisdiction within the State of California provided that such delivery is conducted in compliance with all delivery provisions of this division.” The dispute involves the question of exactly what California voters had intended when they voted on Proposition 64, which made marijuana 
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The Vital Job of Cannabis Business Compliance Manager One of your jobs as a business owner involves keeping your expenses lower than your revenues so that you can actually have a profit. This means cutting out expenses that are not necessary. However, in the Cannabis business, there are some expenses that take top priority. The director of compliance is perhaps the most important job in your entire company. Whether you are a cultivator, testing lab, 
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When you have been doing business outside the law for 50 years, it is difficult to go straight even if it is made easy for you. Five cannabis dispensaries in Northern California were recently shut down because they were suspected of laundering money, evading taxes and failing to carry workers compensation insurance. They are also suspected of illegal cultivation and distribution of cannabis . This happened in Santa Cruz County, a land that has long 
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Although cannabis remains illegal on the list of dangerous drugs, along with heroin, states have been adopting legislation legalizing cannabis use for medical and recreational use. Both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives have shown strong support in favor of the removal of cannabis from that list and nationwide legalization. States have been anxious to legalize the cultivation, manufacture, distribution, and sale of cannabis products because of the impressive tax revenues that follow 
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has announced a hearing on why it should allow CBD-based food and personal care products to be sold legally. The information page can be found at: The Farm Bill of 2019 made hemp cultivation legal, which led many manufacturers of edibles and personal products to assume this gave a green light to add new products to their lines and to expand their distribution. Unfortunately, the celebration came to 
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Guidance On Commercial Cannabis Activity Under the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA), all commercial cannabis activity shall be conducted between licensees. The employees of a licensee may engage in commercial cannabis activity on behalf of the licensee. Commercial cannabis activity includes activities that are plant touching such as cultivating, manufacturing, and transporting cannabis, as well as activities that are not plant touching such as procuring and selling cannabis.  Below are examples of activities that are provided for informational purposes 
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Cannabis Business   A great way to enhance the likelihood of success in your cannabis business is to take care to choose a good cannabis business management team. Then, give the responsibility for each specific area of your cannabis business to appropriately knowledgeable members of that team. First of all, if you have a cannabis business it should be incorporated. Considering the changing laws, if you don’t have your cannabis business legally separated from your 
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Have you ever been caught in a speed trap? That’s when you’re driving along, in a great mood, music on loud, and thinking that you are within the speed limit. Suddenly you see the flashing lights of a police car behind you signaling you to pull over immediately. The officer explains that you have exceeded the speed limit and has you clocked at 20 mph over the limit through a safety zone, and he writes 
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